Japan's Four Years Through Graphs: The More Measures Taken, the Worse the Situation
2020-2021: Wuhan Strain, Delta Variant, 1st/2nd Doses
- In Japan, COVID-19 did not concentrate deaths
- Excess deaths decreased when people refrained from going to hospitals due to self-restraint (自粛, Jishuku).
- This fairly corresponds to a meta-analysis paper stating that mortality decreases during physician strikes.
In 2020, Decrease in Mortality Rate: Mortality Does Not Change or Rather Decreases When Not Physicians Strike
- There is a meta-analysis paper suggesting that mortality does not change even during physician strikes [Cunningham2008]
- On the contrary, mortality rates tend to decrease during physician strikes (the reverse is not true).
- In the initial year of COVID-19 2020, mortality rates may have decreased due to medical restraint prompted by self-restraint (自粛, Jishuku).
- In Yubari City, although medical services were reduced due to fiscal bankruptcy, mortality rates decreased depending on causes of death[2]
- The table is excerpted from tweets by ヒト[3]
2022-2023: Additional Vaxx Caused Excess Deaths
- Starting from 2021 after the initiation of vaxx, excess deaths have increased corresponding with the number of vaxx
- Since the wave of third-dose vaxx in 2022, there has been a close correlation between the waves of positive cases, deaths, and excess deaths
- "Without vaccines, the scenario would be even worse'' is the pot sold by cult
Japan 2022/07/23: The Highest Number of New Cases in the World
- Japan has1/3 of the world's positive cases! (1/9 on a 7-day average)
- India, with a population ten times larger, has fewer cases due to 'barely any vaccinations for the third dose.'
- Per capita, countries like NZ, Australia, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, which originally had fewer cases, became outstanding.
In 2023, Japan became the world leader in booster shots among major countries
- Japan has the highest booster shot rate among major countries
- In August 2022, November 2022, and January 2023, Japan had the highest number of cases worldwide
- Per capita, east asian countries with a high number of booster shots rank at the top globally
- In terms of growth, Japan is the country with the most eager citizens to get vaccinated in the world
Japanese Vaxx Doses: 430 Million, 17 Million(14%) for 7th
- No vaxx mandate in Japan
- However, many people were forced to get vaxxed at office
- Certificates were not required in most cases
- Although it would be easy to lie about vaxx, most of japanese refrained from doing so
- CUNNINGHAM, Solveig Argeseanu, et al. Doctors' strikes and mortality: a review. Social science & medicine, 2008, 67.11: 1784-1788., https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277953608005066
- 森田 洋之, 財政破綻、病院消滅の夕張で老人が元気な理由 心疾患と肺炎の死亡率が大きく低下, PRESIDENT Online, 2020年1月3日号, https://president.jp/articles/-/31439
- ヒト, ツイート, 2023/11/25, https://twitter.com/GVdFrnRWbN18944/status/1728261751547060271
- NHK, 日本国内のワクチン接種状況, 2024/04/01, https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/special/coronavirus/vaccine/
- 森田 洋之, 財政破綻、病院消滅の夕張で老人が元気な理由 心疾患と肺炎の死亡率が大きく低下, PRESIDENT Online, 2020年1月3日号, https://president.jp/articles/-/31439