Japan's Four Years Through Graphs: The More Measures Taken, the Worse the Situation

2020-2021: Wuhan Strain, Delta Variant, 1st/2nd Doses


In 2020, Decrease in Mortality Rate: Mortality Does Not Change or Rather Decreases When Not Physicians Strike

2022-2023: Additional Vaxx Caused Excess Deaths


Japan 2022/07/23: The Highest Number of New Cases in the World



In 2023, Japan became the world leader in booster shots among major countries


Japanese Vaxx Doses: 430 Million, 17 Million(14%) for 7th


  1. CUNNINGHAM, Solveig Argeseanu, et al. Doctors' strikes and mortality: a review. Social science & medicine, 2008, 67.11: 1784-1788., https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277953608005066
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  4. NHK, 日本国内のワクチン接種状況, 2024/04/01, https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/special/coronavirus/vaccine/